GLUKOS founder Mark Jensen, a former collegiate runner and Ironman competitor, realized there was a gap in the energy product market. This led him to extensive research and development to find the optimum source of energy that was both healthy and effective for athletes, similar to an oral IV. GLUKOS is similar to an IV because it contains the same basic ingredients, including water, glucose and electrolytes like potassium. Glucose is the only fuel the human body can use to produce natural energy unlike other energy products that contain High Fructose Corn Syrup, which actually creates lactic acid, and triglycerides in the muscles that hurt performance and recovery, caffeine which artificially increases the heart rate and causes dehydration, and artificial sweetener. GLUKOS is available in five different products, including gel, powder, tablet, gummy and bar. GLUKOS is available in sports specialty retail stores across the country for athletes that want to perform at their optimum levels while competing.