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Virtual Triathlon to Support Louis Tafuto

Sat August 16, 2014 Warwick, NY 10990 US


You can participate from anywhere in the world. Based in Loui's home town of
Warwick, NY US 10990


Join us and compete against an elite triahlete, Louis Tafuto. Louis is an elite Triathlete training for the 2016 Olympics (read more of his story below).  Your times will be ranked against Louis' times, and those of the others who are also participating.

All donations will be contributed directly to Louis to pay for his training. 

Here is how it works: Aytime on Aug 16 and Aug 17 -  you can run, bike and/or swim in support of Warwick NY Native Louis Tafuto and his Olympic dream.  Anywhere you are. 

Swimmers - 800 yard swim
Bikers - 12 miles
Runners - 5K
Triathletes - All of the above!

We already have people so far from NY to Europe to Malaysia participating! 

You will receive an email as the date approaches on how to submit your times to receive your ranking.

Gold Medal - Phillip Williams - State Farm Agent

Silver Medal - John Zawacky CPA
Silver Medal - PeopleNRG

Bronze - Track 7 Postal Center 

Prizes for Local to Warwick NY area include:

Pedal Power, in Greenwood Lake, is donating a month of Bike Spinning classes. 

 Doug Cook at Chosen Taekwondo Academy is offering 2 prizes - a gift certificate for a month on taekwondo classes with uniform… and a gift certificate for three yoga classes.

 John Zawacky CPA is a bronze medal sponsor, offering 2 hours of free tax/accounting services (this in addition to the $250 he sent Louis)

 Track 7 Postal Center is offering a rental mail box for a year.

Louis' Story

Louis is now living in Colorado with his coach.  Literally.  He moved out there about 6 months ago, and with his focus on training, he has little time for generating money.  He trains full time and works the rest of the time to earn some money.

Some interesting facts about Louis:

Louis ran to school his first day of kindergarten.  Why? He just wanted to.  His dad let him.  He went on to get a NCAA scholarship and become a NCAA Champion runner.

When he started to swim, his high school swimming coach told he was a terrible swimmer.  This motivated him and he went on to be a school record holder in 2 events.

The goal of the mission is the 2016 Olympics in RIO.   Join us as we support his success.

Louis is a fighter. He was hit by a car, head on, while training on his bike.  He spent 2 hours in the ER having rocks picked out of his back.  The next day he went for a run (Crazy right?) but and realized he had fractured his hip. Rather than be in a cast and stop training, he  figured out how to change his running gait so he could train while it healed.

TYR. sponsor of triathlete champion Andy Potts, gave Louis their top of the line wetsuit to support his cause

The Nations Triathlon - a top elite triathlon in Washington DC - made Louis the poster boy for all their print ads this year

State Farm and their Agent Phil Williams is a 2 year sponsor.
The Wheatgrass King, Harley Matsil owner of Perfect Foods, the largest grower and distributor wheatgrass on the East Coast, is a 2 year supporter and now sponsor of Louis.

For those of you who are already on "Team Tutti" and supported Louis last year,  2013 was a great year and he is off to an amazing start on his Road to Rio. The above picture is being used by the WASH DC Triathlon in all their 2014 advertising.  Louis had 2 elite level races in March 2014 in Florida and finished 19th in first one, and 4th in the second one!

What We Need

The challenges of training and travel increase this year.  Louis is finally living permanently in Colorado to be near his coach and the other top athletes he is training with. . He is working two part time jobs and living as cheaply as possible with 3 other aspiring Olympic athletes, training every single day.

In addition to equipment costs, coaching fees and living costs, his races this year will take him to a wider range of placed: having him fly across the US as well as to Toronto and Western Canada.  There is airfare, bike transport fees, and lodging (sometimes tripling up with other athletes or as was the case in his recent race in Florida, in a Youth Hostel).  Louis is living bare bones.

He working 2 part time jobs and training full time.  For those of you who know anything about fitness and training, imagine running, biking and swimming 4-6 hours a day to your full effort.  Having just enough energy to eat and sit on a sofa.  In fact, Michael Phelps has said numerous times that all he did for 4 years was swim 6 hours day, eat and sit on his sofa texting and watching TV.  That is all you have the energy for. 

Yet Louis is working 2 part time jobs on top of that.  The more we raise, the more he could focus on his training. 

The Ultimate Goal

The ultimate goal of this fundraiser would be that we could generate $10,000 and he could stop one of his part time jobs.  Not because he is lazy.  But so that he can get in adequate physical rest, which is as important as the working out, as that is when your body regenerates and builds muscle.

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